Friday, March 6, 2009

I am finally a blogger!

Hello to the World Wide Web! I have finally decided to develop my own blogging site to see if this well help my anxiety problems. I am a teacher who is very busy; I have a husband and a daughter, as well as two dogs. I am working two jobs, do private tutoring, and am working on my master's degree. Stress??? What stress???

Needless to say I have some things to work on. I suffered a pretty bad attack that had me going to the hospital via ambulance. The irony is that my attack was about finances. Yep great, huh, now I am going to have a huge ER bill to contend with in about a month. It just keeps getting better and better. I intend to use this site as my journal recommended by my therapist. I have a paper one, but that is good for more private revelations.

Well, it is good to get the intro out of the way. I will be on again soon.

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